Make the Most of Your Historic DIY Rehab with Expert Glass Restoration from Bokrosh Studio

Home improvement networks, such as HGTV and DIY, now feature a number of programs devoted to the salvaging and restoration of antique homes and materials. Growing interest in historically accurate home remodels has contributed to an increased demand for restoration experts. Whether it is a master carpenter or an expert glass restorer, passionate home improvement enthusiasts are constantly searching for knowledgeable artisans to assist with repairs and restorations that are true to the home’s original period.

Murano art glass chandelier repaired by Michael Bokrosh

Historical materials and influences go beyond the craftsmanship that permeates today’s culture of cheap mass manufacturing. Master restorers both understand and appreciate the techniques, influences, and materials of historic pieces; in many cases because they themselves apprenticed with old masters who they themselves apprenticed with 19th century glass experts; a wonderful lineage of glass artistry that continues to this day at Bokrosh Studio.

Why should I consult a glass restoration expert?

The repair and restoration of glass is a key component of a historically accurate remodel. For example, a cracked Tiffany lamp may be restored so that it adds the perfect period feel to an era-specific home. A crystal chandelier often needs replacement pieces or glass arms that have been damaged over the years. Glass repair and restoration includes blown glass and solid glass sculptures, and famous glass collectables. Regardless of the item, period glass brings a special level of authenticity to a restored home or building and reminds people of the fragility of the materials and traditions of years passed. Therefore, glass restoration can be an incredible investment in the value of rehab projects.

How do I find a glass restoration specialist?

With more than four decades in the glass artistry industry, Michael Bokrosh of Bokrosh Studio possesses an impressive career of glass art restoration. He knows that glass artwork represents a physical reflection of historic influences, and he can often repair, restore, or recreate those vintage works so that they best represent the eras of their births. Bokrosh’s appreciation for the synthesis of techniques and materials ensures that he approaches each project with an exquisite attention to detail.

Are you looking for a glass restoration expert in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle, or Chicago? Bokrosh Studio has been completing top-quality glass repair since 1985. With 00 years of experience in the glass sculpture and the glass repair industry, you can be sure your beloved glass sculpture is in good hands. Contact our repair and restoration professionals today.